
The pleasure of your company is requested


Audria Maharani Zahiruddin

The First Daughter of Mr. Irman A. Zahiruddin Tandjung
& Mrs. Meidivera Arya


Christopher Laurence Oentojo

First Son of Mr. Henry Oentojo
& Lanny Nizar


After Party

Friday, June 9 2023
21.30 – drop

A/A Bar

Akad Nikah Ceremony of Audria & Chris

We apologize that we are unable to invite you in person to our Akad Nikah Ceremony. However, we sincerely hope we can still share our love and happiness in the Akad Nikah ceremony through live streaming, please find the link below:

Thank you

"It is only from such a place of gratefulness that we can perform beautiful acts — from a place of absolute, ravishing appreciation for the sheer wonder of being alive at all, each of us an improbable and temporary triumph over the staggering odds of nonbeing and nothingness inking the ledger of spacetime. But because we are human, because we are batted about by the violent immediacies of everyday life, such gratitude eludes us as a continuous state of being. We access it only at moments, only when the trance of busyness lifts and the blackout curtain of daily demands parts to let the radiance in, those delicious moments when we find ourselves awash in nonspecific gladness, grateful not to this person, grateful not for this turn of events, but grateful at life — a diffuse gratitude that irradiates every aspect and atom of the world, however small, however unremarkable, however coated with the dull patina of habit. In those moments, everything sings, everything shimmers. In those moments, we are most alive."

Thank you for spending this wonderful day with us. We are so grateful for you to be in our lives.
- Audria & Chris


Please help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance at our real wedding event with the following RSVP form:

Konfirmasi Kehadiran *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *

See you on our special day

Audria & Chris


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The Wedding of
Audria & Chris
Dear :


Congratulations Audria and Chris!


love!!!! Happy wedding Auaud & Chris!!

Nate Smith

Sorry I can’t join this weekend but hope to catch you when I’m back in Jakarta. Wishing you both the best!

Ryan Ramly

🙏🏽 Porter brought us together

Pratiwi Harsetiani (Tewe)

Congratssss bride and groom!!! Truly happy for u Ods ❤❤❤❤

Karim Sulisto

Congrats Chris & Audria!

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