The Wedding Of

Desti & Reza


Desti & Reza

“Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan agar kamu mengingat (kebesaran Allah).”

QS. Az – Zariyat ayat 49

Kami adalah sepasang manusia yang sedang berbahagia. Kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara sekalian untuk menghadiri hari bahagia kami. Ini adalah kami


dr. Desti Asihanti Saputra

Putri pertama dari Bapak AKP Eko Saputro, S.H., M.H.
& Ibu Entin Hustini


Akhmad Syahreza, S.I.A., M.Int.Tax, BKK

Putra ketiga dari Bapak H.M. Hasan Habli, MM., M.Mar.Eng.
& Ibu Hj. Nurrochma, S.Pd., MM.

Akad Nikah

Sabtu, 2 Desember 2023


Sabtu, 2 Desember 2023




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Our Story

I was approached by distance with someone that I can’t imagine that fortunately he will be mine forever. This is a unique story that both of us not met up directly for the first time. Let me tell you how we met.

It was in Saudi Arabia, that we’re introduced by Reza’s mother when I was Umrah with my family in November 2022, whereas Reza was in Melbourne. We saw each other digitally and that was our first moment to know each other. Since then, we texted every time and everywhere, talking about everything when we were different about 5.210 kilometres and 4 hours different time zones. Finally, our long waiting has come to an end in February 2023.

I really was surprised and overwhelmed in happiness when he bended on one knee in April 2023. Of course I said Yes! Our engagement was held in August 2023 at home and that the first time when my family met Reza’s family formally. As for the last stop for our happy ending love story, our wedding ceremony will be conducted in the end of this year in Jakarta.

Hopefully, you can be present and be the part of our sacred blessed wedding.

Wedding Gift

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara sekalian dapat memberikan hadiah digital kepada kami melalui form dibawah. Bagi yang telah mengisi dan memberikan hadiah kepada kami, kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih. Semoga hadiah dari Bapak/Ibu/Saudara dapat bermanfaat bagi kami dalam mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga

Atas doá dan kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i kami ucapkan terimakasih

Desti & Reza

Desti & Reza
Kepada Yth: