The Wedding Of

Ezra & Ody

”So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate .”

Matthew 19:6

By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to you, our family and friends:


Ezra Indra Pratama Sitorus

The First Son of Mr. Posma Chandra Sitorus
& Mrs. Mastiur Anny Christin Pangaribuan



Claudia Natasia Stephanie

The Last daughter of Mr. Mei Saryadi Pinem
& Mrs. Siti Aminah Ginting Jawak

Our Journey

First Sight
2015, FISIP UI
Ody was Ezra's mentee back in 2015 when she started studying at FISIP UI. However, due to Uni's activities they started to get close at the end of 2016. Since then, they began to fall in love and started dating on March 9, 2017.
One Love, Forever
They face up and downs together for 6 years. But love, without commitment, means nothing. So, Ezra and Ody decided to bring their relationship to a higher level. On August 2022 they committed to make the love forever, and ever.
Our Marriage
They decided to have their wedding ceremony in June 2023, celebrating the love and the blending of their two cultures. They incorporated traditional Bataknese and Karonese customs into the ceremony, including a colorful procession, traditional costumes, and a joyful feast. They're so excited to start the next phase of their lives together.

Counting Days


Holy Matrimony

Adat & Reception


Your presence is a present in itself. But if you do wish to give us something else, please kindly tap the button down below for further information:

See you on our big day


Ezra & Ody

Ezra & Ody
Dear our beloved family/friends