And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.
Qs Ar Rum 21 (QS 30: 21)
We have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance to this point of commitment. At some point, we decided to marry. From that moment of yes to this moment of yes, indeed, we have been making promises and agreements in an informal way.
This is just beginning of a path we'll travel together with obstacles to overcome, and possible storms to weather. We will take it all in and cherish each day. No matter what happens, no matter what's thrown our way. Everyday won't be a dream. But We are in this Together.
Taciro Grand Ballroom
Jl. Bambang Utoyo 118A, Palembang
Taciro Grand Ballroom
Jl. Bambang Utoyo 118A, Palembang
Without reducing our respect, For family and friends who would like to send a gift. We would be glad to receive it. Tap the following buttons to send them to us:
See You on Our Big Day
Fefilia Apriani
Muhammad Elga Herisan