And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

Quran surah Ar Rum 21 (QS 30: 21)

By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to you, our family and friends:

Kharina Nathania Sabila Putri

The third daughter of Mr. Ir. Andang Lusgiana
& Almh. Mrs. Eha Julaeha

Rizal Gunawan

The second son of the late Mr. Nurdin
and Mrs. Kusmiati

Akad Ceremony

Sabtu, 28 – 10 – 2023
09:00 – 10.00

Teras Bu Oneng

The Reception ceremony

Sabtu, 28 – Oktober – 2023
11:00 – 13.00

Teras Bu Oneng


our love story

The beginning
The beginning of our encounter in 2009 is a beautiful story that I will never forget. We first met when we were involved in an extracurricular activity at the same junior high school. After that introduction, the door to our hearts opened, and we got to know each other better. The continuation of our love story continued to develop, accompanying our steps over time, from the same high school to one class that witnessed our deepening love journey. Although we chose different college paths and different universities, our relationship remained strong and full of love.
The Next Chapter
January 28, 2012 became a meaningful marker in our love story. On that day, we officially entered into a relationship, opening a new page in our storybook. From 2012 until now, every second, every hug, and every smile is like a painting of love that is indelible by time.
Our Promises
Until finally, the long-awaited moment arrived. This year, in 2023, we decided to tie the knot. This decision is not just a logical step, but a manifestation of the love that has grown into something so big and deep between the two of us. Our promises as a couple are a solid foundation for living this life together. Together, we promise to sail the oceans of life together, understanding each other's shortcomings. Like building a ship, we will strengthen our relationship with every effort and sacrifice, ready to face the waves of life that sometimes bring challenges. Our love is like a beautiful seascape, full of wonders and uncertainties, yet we are confident, together we can weather every storm and reach our happy harbor

Wedding Filter

Help us capture the best moment on our wedding day with the following hashtag and Instagram filter in your social media post:


Please help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance at our real wedding event with the following RSVP form:
Konfirmasi Kehadiran *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *

Wedding Gift

For family and friends who would like to send a gift. We would be glad to receive it. Tap the following buttons to send them to u

Your presence and prayer will be our joy.

Karin & Rizal

//script autoplay cover slider - button hilang

Bapak/Ibu haryanto

Semoga menjadi keluarga yg SAMAWA. Aamiin

Rama Bogel

Selamat vjong SAMAWA, sing di lancarkeun sagala rupana


ainnn dan vijong maafin bangetttt gabisa datang ke nikahan kalian.. semoga pernikahan kalian di lindungi allah swt, menjadi keluarga yang bahagia dunia dan akhirat... keluarga yang samawa aamiinn🥹🥰🤍

Rara - Infratech

Selamat ya Mas Rizal dan Karin, semoga dilancarkan acaranya, BAHAGIA dan SAMAWA! Amiiinnn...


Alhamdulillah, ngiring bingah nyaa. lancar sampai hari H


Sakinah mawadah warahmah


barokallah wilujreng rencang kamiw, lancar sampai hari H sehat selalu

Muhammad Fiqi

Barakallah. Selamat jong! Semoga menjadi keluarga yg samawa, dilancarkan segala nya aamiin


Teman-temanku sejak SMP, walau sempat terpisah untuk beberapa saat, tapi teman adalah teman. Beberapa tahun ini kita sangat sering ketemu, bahkan liburan dan nonton konser bareng juga. Sedikit banyak tau perjuangan kalian, dan itu ga mudah, pada akhirnya kalian memang berjodoh! Seneng dan sedih di waktu yang sama, menuju hari besar kalian nanti, aku cuma bisa berdoa semoga kalian berjodoh sampai surga nanti, sehat dan bahagia selalau. peluuuuk banyak-banyak untuk Karin dan Rizal 🤗🤗🤗

Muhammad Faridz Achdini dan Putri

We've been together for so long, as close as brothers can be, and now it's time for each of us to move in different directions. As your wedding approaches, I wish you every happiness. May you both enjoy all that this life has to offer. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Happy wedding kak ain dan kak rizal! Happy for both of you, finally after 12 years🥺 wishing you a long and happy marriage. Tetep jadi pasangan yang seru sampe tua nanti! Lancar terus sampai hari H nanti ya💛💛

Dea dan Nabila

Selamat karin & pijong, semoga lancar sampai hari h yaaaa…. ☺️

Ka Citra

Wishing you a lots of love and happiness and have a long happy marriage ❤️ 🥰

Ka Okti dan Abang

Auuuuu... Congrats adekQyu... Maafken kegiatan yang langka ini membuat kami tidak bisa hadir. Doa kami Berbahagia selalu ya.. Berkat melimpah Sukacita selalu.. Dannn langsung Gasss aja..


Kak Ain dan kak Pijong, semoga lancar sampai hari H. Semoga bahagia selalu🥺♥️


Neng syg dan Pijong, Semoga menjadi sakinah, mawadah dan warahmah yaaa. Tau perjalanan cinta kalian banyak lika-liku dan alhamdulillah kalian berhasil ada di titik ini, sangat terharu. Bismillah ya syg sygku🫶🏻💕


Happy wedding Kaka gemoyyyyy 🥰🥰, akhirnya nikah juga 😊🥹


Ainnnn lancar ya, bahagia banget dpt undangan ini. Ditunggu cipung versi kalian🥹💗


Lancar lancar ya neng🥹🫶🏻


Happy wedding karin dan pijongg🥳 bahagia selalu aamiin


Aaa happy wedding kakak kakak kuu. Semoga bahagia selaluuu🫶🏻🥰🥰


Happy Wedding Best Couple kuuuu! Akhirnya sebuah penantian panjang sampai dititik indah ini, semoga sampai akhir hayat kalian selalu berdua bersama bahagia aamiin! Sampai bertemu di hari Indah kalian❤️

Ferdian dan Caca

happily ever afteeer kakak kakakkk💗💗

Keluarga Besar Hegar Asih

Lancar semuanya ya, neng dan rizal. Semoga jd keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah

Kak Ulfa

Lancar sampai hari H ya



Apong dan Ben

May the happiness comes to you and new family🤍




Lancar sampai hari H kakak!🤍


aaak bahagia selalu kakak kakakuuu🤍

Ibnu dan Syifa

ka karin ka pijong lancar jaya jaya jaya

Transfer Account 1


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Kharina Nathania Sabila Putri

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Karina Nathania




Karina Nathania


Jl Kopi No 146 RT 03 RW 01 Desa Maracang Kec Babakancikao Kab Purwakarta 41151

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