I thank God every time I remember you

Philippians 1:3


By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to you, our family and friends:


The Third Son of

Mr. Chandra Wijaya & Mrs. Vinni Lim

Michelle Prawira

The Second Daughter of

Mr. Ito Prawira & Mrs. Susanti Husada

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, 1 June 2024
10.00 WIB

Maria Bunda Karmel Church

Jl. Karmel Raya No.2, RT.2/RW.4, Kb. Jeruk, Kec. Kb. Jeruk, Jakarta Barat,


Saturday, 1 June 2024
18.00 WIB

White Room at InterContinental Hotel Jakarta

Jalan Metro Pondok Indah Kav. IV TA, RT.1/RW.16, Pd. Pinang, Kec. Kby. Lama, Jakarta Selatan

Counting Day


Photo Gallery


Please help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance at our real wedding event with the following RSVP form:
Konfirmasi Kehadiran *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *
Jumlah Tamu *

Wedding Gift

Your blessing is a meaningful grace to us. If giving is an expression of your love, you can give us to this information. Any gift towards this are welcome and greatly appreciated

Special Moment

Help us capture the best moment on our wedding day with #ChelebraTian in your social media post

Christian & Michelle

See you on our big day :)

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Hima dan Niki

Dear Tian and Michelle, Congratulations! I am very happy for you both! Pray that God will always walk with you and protect you in your every steps, may God bless your wedding with happiness, peace, health and everything that you need! See you at the wedding!

Evan dan Partner

Congrats on your wedding Tian! Gak bisa change of mind ya ini hahaha Gue bawa +1 ya


Congratulation Tian dan Michelle. Happily ever after!


hi ka tian dan ka michelle, semoga menjadi keluarga yang bahagia selalu yaa

Putri dan Dimas

Tian & Michelle, Congrats on your wedding! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness :) God bless your family.

Ferry Wijaya

Always love each other and accompany each other forever


Happy wedding ko Tian & Michelle! Have a wonderful and blessed marriage life 🫶🏻


Dearest koko Christian and kak Michelle, I am beyond happy to congratulate you both for opening a new rite of passage of life. May the joy, love and happiness from your wedding day follow you for the rest of your lives. Wishing for the love between you two to grow with every year that passes by and that you both can get all the joy and love you can! Have a blessed married life ahead. Lots of Love. - R

Fenny Agatha

Happy wedding day Tian & Michelle, wishing you guys all the finest thing in life 🫶🏻

Andre dan Medina

Congrats Tian&Michelle🤍

Vina Tjandra

Congraatss michelle & tian!! God bless ur wedding day and marriage🎉🫶

Andre dan Medina

Happy wedding bro Lancar2 sampe hari H Such a Great Story from both of you May your love last forever GBU

Ko Ivandher dan Partner

Happy wedding Sinyo Jambi.., Lancar2 sampai hari H.. GOD BLESS!!

Rangga dan Della

Will definitely come! RSVP for 2 people ya :)

Haryo dan Marsya

Couldn’t be any happier for you both. I wish you a wonderful and exciting marriage. May God protect you both and bless you along the journey!

Rangga dan Della

Happily ever after Tian and Michelle! You two totally deserve each other ♥️♥️

Anita Lucius

Happy wedding, Tian and Misyel! I wish you both a happy and long lasting marriage. May God bless your new journey!

Ko Tehdy dan Partner

Selamat siong2 & michelle, long last, hepi2 selamanya

Meliana Tandiwiranta

Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Your greatest ADVENTURE BOOK has just begun ;)

Michelle Senjaya and Partner

Happy wedding Tian & Michelle!! Semoga bahagia selamanyaaaa. GBu guysss


Congrats Tian and misel..Semoga lancar2 yah semua!!

Jauh Dekat 3000

pippippippip calon mantennnnn love burn brightly forever

Alvin and Regina

Happy wedding christian dan michelle ! GBU Both !!

Abigail Fabiola

Congrats Tian & Ciciku sayanngg! Selamat menempuh hidup baru, langgeng2 sampe kakek-nenek~~

Joy and Evan

Happy Wedding for you guys... happily ever after 💖💖💖

Vinka and Wisely

Semoga lancar sampai hari H dear Michelle and Tian! It’s not the happily ever after but staying together going through all the obstacles🫶🏻

Olivia T

Happy Wedding michelle and tian!!! happy for both of u bangettt love! hope everything going fine ya! semoga semua rangkaian acara berjalan lancar!! see u!

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Michelle Prawira

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