“And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.”

(Ar-Rum: 21)

By the grace and blessing of Allah SWT, we are delighted to announce the wedding of:
Dhavin Ariza Adrian
First son of Rizman Adrian Azhar & Dhinie Savitri
Delima Nurjulita
Only daughter of Yusuf Anas & Novarina Dewi

Counting down to the big day

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Saturday, 21 December 2024
15.30 WIB

Soho Pancoran 9th Floor, Jl. M.T. Haryono No. Kav. 2, Tebet Barat, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12810



Saturday, 21 December 2024
18.30 WIB

Soho Pancoran 9th Floor, Jl. M.T. Haryono No. Kav. 2, Tebet Barat, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12810


Our Memoir

First Encounter Impression

Kenal Alma dulu karena kerjaan organisasi dan acara maba, tapi dulu ga terlalu tertarik sih karena beneran anggep acquaintance aja + masih sibuk mikirin yang lain... tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, makin kenal dan makin deket...  "Getting to know her better has been one of the best decisions in my life, even if it defied my expectations"


Waktu itu awal semester genap. Ceritanya lagi ada kegiatan pencerdasan di Kantek (Kantin Teknik). Walaupun beda organisasi, tapi karena posisi kita sama-sama Humas, kita jadi bisa collab bareng buat acara pencerdasan tersebut.

Awal pertama kali liat ngga ada impression apa-apa sih (wkwkwk biasa aja), cuman interaksi pertama yang dia lakukan adalah nawarin gue pulpen buat ngisi borang.

"Mau pulpen gak?"

Sebenernya biasa banget penawaran dia, tapi entah kenapa dari satu kalimat gitu + gerak gerik dia, gue bisa menilai kalo dia ini orang baik tulus beneran tanpa gimmick-gimmick (HAHA LEBAY). Dia kayak beneran concern nawarin pulpen mulu gitu. Abis itu, diliat-liat ni orang oke juga lah. Dipikir-pikir lagi, kayaknya kepelet sih gue.. Soalnya setelah itu kok jadi tertarik sama dia? Wkwwkwk. Long story short, akhirnya gue memberanikan diri untuk reply story Instagram dia buat PDKT, and the rest is history~ 


In a Relationship

Selama PDKT dan pacaran sama Alma,  bahwa secara kepribadian, hobi, maupun kebiasaan, kita ini beda jauh — bahkan 180 derajat berlawanan. Namun, gatau kenapa kita masih bisa saling memahami, dan kita menemukan momen bisa di enjoy bersama. Meskipun kadang-kadang kita memiliki ekspektasi masing-masing, tapi kita tetap selalu mencoba untuk mengerti satu sama lain. 


Awalnya bingung banget ini orang interested sama gue apa nggak, karena mixed signal gitu hahaha. Tapi, entah kenapa setiap ngeraguin dia, ada aja the universe telling me not to back out. Singkat cerita, setelah 6 bulan deket, baru deh hubungannya resmi wkwkwk.

He is not a lovey-dovey person, not a words of affirmation kind of person. However, his actions also demonstrate love, commitment, responsibility, and trustworthiness! I was a fearful-avoidant type of person, but because of him, I became a secured type of person. He always put other person before him. He always strives for growth and shows constant improvement, which is one of the key success factors for a relationship~

He is the reinforcement to my concrete, the bracing to my sway frame, and the sag rod to my purlin.


Favorite Experience Together

Thanks to Alma, we’ve shared many new experiences together. Most of the time, it’s her wishes to try new things, and I fully support her in every way. Making her happy has become my favorite thing to do. Any moment that brings her joy is my favorite experience.

(I'm sure Alma will write a lot and remember every detail of it.)


Every moment is precious and there is soooo many memories together (ofc, I spent 1/4 years of my life with him - and counting!), but college days memories hold special place in my heart — when we were eating warteg, Samcil, and indomie warkop in Kutek together; riding free double decker bus in Jakarta; did MRT trial run together; watched Infinity War for the first time; and skipped Structural Analysis class to celebrate his report defense :)


Répondez S'il Vous Plaît

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Attendance Confirmation*

Wedding Gift

For family and friends who would like to send a gift, please kindly contact us through:

Dhavin & Alma

Please celebrate with us as we begin this new odyssey.
Your presence will make our happiness complete, and we can’t wait to share in the love that will last a lifetime.
The Wedding Of
Dhavin & Alma
Transfer Account 1

Account Name

Account Number


Delima Nurjulita / Dhavin Ariza


+6281291246919 / +6281220161997


Delima Nurjulita / Dhavin Ariza


Perumahan Permata Timur 2 Blok GG No.15, Jalan Curug Raya Jaticempaka, Pondok Gede, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17411