
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate

Matthew 19:6

We are a blissful pair extending a warm invitation to you, dear friends and family, to share in our joyous celebration. Behold, this is us.

Elisabeth Irine Permatasari

The Daughter of Mr. Agustinus Winanta & Mrs. Benedicta Dwi Mariana

Vincentius Wahyu Widyantoro

The Son of Mr. Antonius Istiyono & Mrs. Y.F. Ardiyati

Holy Matrimony

Sunday, May 5th, 2024

Gereja Katolik Santa Perawan Maria Purworejo

Wedding Reception

Sunday, May 5th, 2024

Hotel Plaza, Purworejo



Divine Encounters: A Testament to Love's Timing

Unforseen Thread
Purwokerto, 2015


In the tapestry of life, woven with threads of chance and destiny, our love story stands as a testament to the divine orchestration of fate. It is a tale of missed connections, serendipitous encounters, and the unwavering hand of God guiding our hearts toward each other.

Our journey began long before we even knew it, with fleeting moments of near misses and silent whispers of possibility. In 2015, amidst the vibrant energy of a multi-church event, our paths crossed unknowingly, two souls were in the same space yet oblivious to the invisible thread that bound us together.


Hidden Treasure
Yogyakarta, 2016


As juniors in college, we found ourselves once again in the same area, this time at a faculty event brimming with laughter. Yet, despite being in each other's presence and even sharing the same photo frame, fate kept us at arm's length. Our paths diverged once more without us realizing it, and not even a word was exchanged.

Intertwine Moments
Pangalengan, 2019


It wasn't until 2019 when we embarked on the same KKN Pangalengan-Bandung team that destiny's hand became undeniable. Not only did God bring us together, but He also aligned our paths to intertwine, allowing us not only to meet but to work side by side, forging bonds that would soon transcend friendship.

Our Bond and Commitment
Yogyakarta, 2019


But even then, our journey was not yet complete. It took a few more twists and turns, several months passed, before God finally unveiled His grand design. In His perfect timing, our hearts found each other, recognizing in one another a love that had been divinely ordered since the beginning of time.

Our love story is a testament to the power of faith and the beauty of God's plan. We may have missed each other countless times, but in the end, every missed connection led us closer to where we were always meant to be—together, hand in hand, embarking on a journey of love and devotion that knows no bounds.


Your presence shall be a great honor for us and our families. Please confirm your attendance through the reservation form below:
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We express our deepest gratitude to all our beloved guests who graced every part of our wedding festivities with their presence. May the time you’ve shared with us be blessed and rewarded by the Almighty. Thank you for all the heartfelt wishes extended to us. May we be blessed with eternal happiness, both in this world and the hereafter, as a couple.

Vincent & Irine

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Jason Hartanto

Selamat ya irine, semoga bahagia dan langgeng selalu bersama vincent.. Tuhan memberkati selalu,, dan semoga segera dapat momongan hehehehehe,,, dan yang terpenting semoga jangan LDM yaa, Tuhan yang mendekatkan kalian...

Lukas Widyanto

Happy wedding Vincent

Wahyu Ardiansyah

Semoga menjadi pasangan yg selamanya melengkapi hingga waktu berhenti, saling menutupi kekurangan, dan menguatkan kelebihan.

Bpk. Ari Soeldjana

Irin and Vincent... selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga Tuhan selalu marahmati keluarga kecil kalian dan cepat mendapatkan momongan untuk lebih mempererat kerukunan keluarga baru kalian.... Aamiin. Maaf Kami tidak bisa hadir di acara resepsi pernikahan karena satu dan lain hal... Hanya doa yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk keberkahan dan kerukunan keluarga baru kalian.. Salam Ari Soeldjana & Keluarga

Oktavianus Eko Wiranto

Selamat atas pernikahannya, Irine & Vincent. Semoga cinta dan berkat Tuhan senantiasa menyertai langkah-langkah kalian berdua.

Mutawif Ilmi Muwaffiqih

Selamat ya Rin dan suami Semoga jadi keluarga yg bahagia selalu aamiin aamiin 🙏🏼🫡


Selamat menempuh hidup baru yaa... lancar terus kehidupan rumah tangganya kedepannya Vincent Dan irine.. maaf belum bisa hadir ke acara pernikahannya..sukses selalu

Albertus Oswaldus Besin

Hallo Adik Irine, langgeng Pernikahan bersama Suami, Tuhan Yesus menyertai kalian Berdua, Berkah Dalem...

Anggara Widyastanto

Happy wedding irin & vincent. Wishing you a lifetime filled with love, joy, and countless beautiful memories together.

Salma Nathifa Aji

Happy wedding! Wishing you both a happy and prosperous future

Regina Sitanggang

Rinnn.. aku berdoa semoga irin dan vincent menjadi pasangan yang bahagiaaa dan selalu hidup dalam Tuhan Yesus.. Tuhan berkati yaa rinnn <3

Muhammad Ilham

semoga dimudahkan dan dilancarkan selaluu semua persiapan, semua acara, dan kehidupan pernikhannyaaa irine dan mas vincent!

Aimmatul Yumna Fathul Izza

Semoga bahtera rumah tangga kaliann langgeng dan selalu dipenuhi sukacita

Faturohman Nurul Huda

Turut berbahagia Irine dan Mas Vincent. Semoga kalian berdua senantiasa menjadi keluarga yang bahagia, susah senang bersama-sama. Semoga acara pernikahannya lancar dan diberkahi Tuhan.

Esa Muhammad Irsyad

Irine gutawa, semoga bahagia terus sama pasangan. Kondangan diwakili oleh moni dan yuda

Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan

Semoga tetap bahagia dalam segala perjalanan hidup rumah tangga kaleaan yaaah! Selamat Irine dan Vincent!

Jeffry Julius Santosa

Wahhh ga nyangka dah married aja, congrats ya vincent dan irine, semoga jadi pasangan yang sepadan dan selalu diberkati, dan membangun keluarga yang penuh sukacita

Florentina Evie Dewayani

Happy wedding Vincent & Irene! May God bless your family and happy endlessly🩷

Nada Nisrina Salsabila

Selamat atas pernikahannya Irine dan Vincent!!! Semoga menjadi keluarga samawa, selamat berbahagia bersama. Sehat selalu, dilancarkan segalanyaa. Happy wedding, love birds ❤❤❤

Veni Ayu Kartika Sari

Irinee dan Vincent makasih undangannya !!! Ikutan happy banget :))))

Tria Adhe Norvita dan Keluarga

Congratulations Irine & Vincent. Semoga selalu diberkahi dalam kehidupan pernikahannya, dilancarkan sampai hari H, yg paling penting happy2 terus sampai maut memisahkan ya aamiin😭🫶


Semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah mawaddah warohmah… Happy weeding vincent dan iren semoga lancar amin amin ya Allah…😇

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